Thursday, March 16, 2006


Ok, a bit of early AM hyperbole, perhaps because I miss ScoobieDavis, but Mike more than holds his own in a call to that lying BushWhore Hannity. Here's an excerpt:

Hannity: Ya know what? This guy made the case for weapons of mass destruction - chemical, biological, nuclear - this is…
Me: He believed the President, you mean?
Hannity: Well, I mean, it’s a cute little line, but it’s - it would show how utterly and completely idiotic and incompetent all democrats are if in fact they make their decisions based only on what one person tells them. So if you are saying that they are that inept, then they don’t belong in office anyway…

You can listen to the entire call here. Footnote: Hannity's criticism popped up on a few AOL message boards yesterday. Of course, the BushBots never acknowledged who they got it from.

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