Saturday, March 04, 2006


We have Fredo claiming that no one could've anticipated that but that's exactly what was anticipated in a Homeland Security Report:

Documents show govt forewarned on Katrina
Associated Press Writer
Jan 24, 7:54 AM EST

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government had advance warning of the danger and potential damage from Hurricane Katrina before the storm hit, newly released documents show.

The documents show that the Homeland Security Department, which directed the Pam exercise, was warned a day before Katrina hit that the storm's surge could breach levees and leave New Orleans flooded for weeks or months.

An Aug. 28 report by the department's National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center concluded that a Category 4 or 5 hurricane would cause severe damage in the city, including power outages and a direct economic hit of up to $10 billion for the first week.

"Overall, the impacts described herein are conservative," stated the report, which was sent to Homeland Security's office for infrastructure protection.

"Any storm rated Category 4 or greater ... will likely lead to severe flooding and/or levee breaching, leaving the New Orleans metro area submerged for weeks or months," said the report.

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