Friday, March 17, 2006


Tony Snow was on a rant about how we should privatize health care in America and how bad all government-run programs are. A caller for Saskatchewan told Tony that Canada only spends 9% of its GDP on health care and the U.S. spends 14% but still has 40 million people uncovered. The caller also noted that a version of the new Medicare plan was tried in Saskatchewan and almost bankrupted the province. I didn't catch Tony's response but I think he just moved on to the next caller.

Tammy Bruce just had The Hat* on her show and was all excited about how the "new media" was doing a much better than than the MSM in handling the recent release of Saddam/Iraq documents. She recommended that people go to Pajamas Media for the facts about the links between Al-Queda and Iraq. The wingnuts are busy trying to push the idea that there was a meaningful connection between the two.

Sean Hannity continued his re-labeling move as he promoted a bumper sticker that said "What would Reagan do?".

*Roger L. Simon

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