Friday, March 03, 2006


(Via Aspe4 at DKos)

Elon University Poll shows support for Bush at 43 percent in Southeastern states

The poll, conducted Feb. 20-23 and Feb. 26-March 2 by the Elon University Institute for Politics and Public Affairs, surveyed 1,277 residents in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.8 percent.

Fifty-seven percent of respondents disapprove or strongly disapprove of the way Bush is handling the war in Iraq, while 39 percent approve or strongly approve.

Among current military members, reservists, retired military and military veterans, 50 percent approve or strongly approve of the job Bush is doing as president, while 46 percent disapprove.

When asked about Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq, 49 percent of those with a military affiliation disapprove or strongly disapprove, while 47 percent approve or strongly approve.

“What is notable here is the intensity of disapproval among those affiliated with the military,” said Bacot.

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