Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I don't have any hard numbers but the number of BushBot posters has declined dramatically on the AOL message boards about Iraq and related issues. "New Developments in the War in Iraq" used to have at least a half-dozen wingnut regulars who would copy & paste articles from LGF, Victor Davis Hanson, MichNews and other wacko sites but now it looks like RTRWASH is the only one left.

Of course, we still have the old-timer loons like DocDoome:

#5 - 4/17/06 07:49 PM (Msg Id: 528628:1584497)

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Butterscotch you are anti american and I despise you. All you do is bad mouth Our military and our leaders.GO AWAY! You are so uinhappy? Run for office? NO. Why not? Because your anti american sloganeering give real people a rash! They would run you OUT of town without a single vote. Im sick of trying to read intellectual posts and seeing your BS splattered all over. Your opinions are narrowminded leftist retard speak. Give it a rest and go take a timeout. Jeez you make me sick.

God bless us all

"Run out of town" is a much milder than the eliminationist rhetoric Doc has used in the past.

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