Sunday, April 23, 2006


I first read this on a blog but I can't remember which one. I found it again on The Democratic Daily and it deserves repeating because Friedman is a hawkish moderate and if Fredo has lost him on Iran, he can kiss the Independents goodbye and according to Howard Fineman, many Republicans also.

Iraq II or a Nuclear Iran?


If these are our only choices, which would you rather have: a nuclear-armed Iran or an attack on Iran’s nuclear sites that is carried out and sold to the world by the Bush national security team, with Don Rumsfeld at the Pentagon’s helm?
I’d rather live with a nuclear Iran.

While I know the right thing is to keep all our options open, I have zero confidence in this administration’s ability to manage a complex military strike against Iran, let alone the military and diplomatic aftershocks.

As someone who believed — and still believes — in the importance of getting Iraq right, the level of incompetence that the Bush team has displayed in Iraq, and its refusal to acknowledge any mistakes or remove those who made them, make it impossible to support this administration in any offensive military action against Iran.

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