Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Yes, I'm talking about Len Munsil, the former head of the Center for Arizona Policy (CAP), who is trying to win the GOP primary for governor. CAP is the Arizona branch of Dobsonism but Munsil is trying to distance himself from the more radical religious demands:

But Munsil was less anxious to talk about things that he made issues during his years heading CAP, which bills itself as "promoting pro-family laws values in Arizona.''

Asked specifically about prayer in schools and teaching intelligent design, he said these are "not issues in this campaign and haven't been issues in Arizona.''

The ID/Evolution controversy has certainly been an issue for CAP, as we can see from the May 2006 edition of CAP's online magazine, Arizona Citizen:

When a nation enacts laws that promote, condone, or accommodate ungodly practices and beliefs such as abortion, pornography, homosexuality, and evolution, that nation is not honoring God and His Word, and it brings degradation and “disgrace” to its people.

Similarly, CAP takes a strong stand on the Church/State issue:

The three branches of government: the judicial, the legislative, the executive, are founded on Isaiah 33:22 - “For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; He will save us.”

Munsil can't run away from the positions CAP has taken. Any attempt to do so is "bearing false witness."

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