Monday, April 17, 2006


That's essentially the post-war problem we had. Paul Bremer has said that he requested an additional 50,000 but was turned down. On Sunday, another general backs up the complaint that there weren't enough troops to secure the peace: (From CNN)

BLITZER: But -- I want to bring our other generals in in a moment. But based on your firsthand observations, your firsthand knowledge, General Marks, did the defense secretary reject recommendations from military commanders for more troops?

BRIG. GEN. JAMES "SPIDER" MARKS, CNN MILITARY ANALYST: Sure. Oh, absolutely. I mean, that's been documented if you read General Franks' book, and the current book, "Cobra II," indicates very, very clearly, and in fact, that is in fact what happened. We requested the 1st Cavalry Division. That was denied. At a very critical point in the war, I might say.

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