Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Shammity starts his show every day literally vowing that it provides the best and most complete news coverage. Last week or maybe the week before , a caller began by saying something like "Not the best, not complete.." and Shammity immediately cut him off and moved on without comment to the next caller. If someone did anything like that to Shams, he would be called a coward or worse.

Today, Sen. Kyl was on Ingraham the War Whore's show and the "interview" started off by noting how unfair (bust out your hankies now) the immigration coverage by KPNX, the Phoenix NBC affiliate, was to him. KPNX wanted Kyl to come on but Kyl refused to unless they promised not to show a pic of a man carrying a sign that said something like "Kyl hates immigrants." Media Bias Bitch Ingraham was in complete sympathy with Kyl and played several audio clips of KPNX's coverage of Monday's immigration protest in an attempt to show that the station was biased. Of course, KPNX didn't report any bad news simply because there was none but that's not good enough for Ingraham.

She even claimed that protesters had been bused in from other states! Now, it may be true that some were but we clearly have enough people in Arizona upset at the draconian proposals being floated by some in the GOP, most notably the House bill, which would drastically increase the penalties for illegal immigrants, their families and their employers. Even the AZ state legislature can't go along with that much lunacy:

Legislators back off making felons of illegal crossers
By Howard Fischer
Capitol Media Services
Tucson, Arizona Published: 04.11.2006

PHOENIX — State legislation to make felons out of those who entered this country illegally will be diluted today to lessen the offense.

House Majority Leader Steve Tully said Monday the idea of imposing one-year prison terms on people who may have been here for years is causing heartburn among some legislators. Tully, a Phoenix Republican, said he believes a misdemeanor offense would be sufficient for a first-time offender.

Sen. Barbara Leff, R-Paradise Valley, who wrote the state legislation, said she supports reducing the penalty.

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