Sunday, April 16, 2006


I listened to almost all of Drudge tonight and there was a glaring omission: Not one mention of all the generals who have criticized Rumsfeld. The last time I recall Drudge not talking a lot about a current issue was during the Jeff Gannon/Jim Guckert affair so I think the generals have effectively shut down the Republican Noise Machine for a while. We'll see what Monday brings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe Drudge ignored it because it's just another media-hyped non-scandal, and the chances of Rumsfeld stepping down are slim to none.

They hate Cheney too, and always spin these baseless speculations that he's going to step down for the sake of the Administration's viability. Guess what? There's absolutely nothing to their daydreams.

And Gannon? Drudge didn't cover that affair because it was utterly insignificant, of interest only to leftist bloggers and DemocraticUnderground types.