Thursday, April 20, 2006


This morning, Laura the War Whore Ingraham was going on and on about China's one-child only per couple policy and went so far as to praise the coverage of it by the MSM, specifically this 60 Minutes piece by Leslie Stahl. Here's the relevant part of that piece:

The gender imbalance grew out of communist China's draconian social engineering policies, where a woman, after having one child, was forced to make a choice: sterilization or insertion of an IUD (intrauterine device).

To make sure the women kept their birth control devices in, the government — starting in 1982 — sent portable ultrasound machines all over the country. They are compact and lightweight and even some small villages got as many as two or three. But in a classic case of unintended consequences, pregnant women realized that the machines could also identify whether they were having a boy or a girl. And, as a result, by conservative estimates, more than 8 million girls were aborted in the first 20 years of the one-child policy.

So far today, Pres. Fredo hasn't said anything directly on this topic:

I'll continue to discuss with President Hu the importance of respecting human rights and freedoms of the Chinese people. China has become successful because the Chinese people are experience the freedom to buy, and to sell, and to produce -- and China can grow even more successful by allowing the Chinese people the freedom to assemble, to speak freely, and to worship.

This isn't going to cut it with the pro-blastocyte crowd that are a big part of Fredo's base so I'm wondering if they will react negatively. If Fredo loses them, his poll numbers will be in the 20s. Consider what happened to Pat Robertson in 2001 after he defended China's policy:

Robertson resigned as the Christian Coalition's president in 2001 after defending China's one-child policy in a CNN interview that fellow conservatives viewed with horror. It was among the most damaging in a series of remarks that have hurt Robertson's standing among evangelical Christians -- and may have hurt the Christian Coalition as well.

Developing.... :-)

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