Saturday, May 27, 2006


I had believed that John Birch Society had died a long overdue death after the collapse of the USSR but I've come across many posts on AOL that give dire warnings about the Communist threat and I decided to do a little Googling.

They do have a website and still push the Commie threat idea and they also have their own magazine, The New American. You may find their opinions as surprising as I did. Take Iraq for example:

But the evidence is clear that our country was never at risk of a Baghdad-backed attack and the administration knew this, even as it banged the war drums. Neither the president nor his defenders are willing to accept moral responsibility for our nation's involvement in an aggressive war that has left hundreds of Americans and thousands of Iraqis dead and our nation less secure.

Of course, some aren't surprising at all. Here's a bit from a pro-life article:

Abortion has dulled the consciences of many Americans - not just to abortion but to other moral deviations that our parents and grandparents considered abominations. ... New York and Colorado had already eased restrictions on the grisly practice, and the national government seemed to be heading in the very same direction. ... We two concluded that there was no other way to address the issue than to state that "abortion is murder."

And of course, the Jeebus angle:

After a relentless advance across America?s cultural and religious landscape spanning several decades, the enemies of freedom and decency are encountering resistance. Many in the younger generation are questioning the hedonism of the Baby Boomers. Many parents are withdrawing their children from the corrupting influence of public schools and throwing out the television. Many good Americans, parents and nonparents alike, are resisting the effort to drive God out of public places. Heroic citizens in many states are working to ensure that same-sex marriage never receives legal countenance.

I didn't realize that the Birchers were so big on Jeebus.

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