Friday, May 19, 2006


Once in a great while, I come across a wingnut quote and I just have to wonder if they aren't busy trying to destroy the concept of consensual, objective reality. I guess AssRocket was the source of the first out-of-touch quote I have from a big name nutter and now Tbogg provides another one: K-Lo, or Katherine Kean Lopez, of the National Review, Crown Prince Buckley's magazine:

When the Duke story broke, I reflexively thought, looking beyond the (big) rape allegation: “Why are college guys having stripper drunken parties? That’s conduct unbecoming sensible young men.”

Having established for us her level of obliviousness, she then goes on to apply the traditional-values double standard:

Young men shouldn’t be getting sloppy drunk and doing childish things and paying for a stripper. But young women really shouldn’t.

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