Wednesday, May 17, 2006


The Regional Transit Plan (i.e., subsidize developers, realtors, car dealers and contractors) was approved by a large margin yesterday. Here's a major reason why:

Those in favor outspend foes by 125 to 1
RTA plan has hefty backing
By Andrea Kelly
arizona daily star
Tucson, Arizona Published: 05.05.2006

Backers of the Regional Transportation plan have raised almost $1 million for their campaign to get people to vote for the $2.1 billion, 20-year plan, outdoing their opposition by a 125-1 margin.

Opponents of the plan raised less than $8,000, according to campaign finance reports filed this week.

About 90 percent of the $978,746.45 given to promote the plan came from businesses and individuals in construction-related fields, real estate and the automobile industry, who could benefit from the massive road-building and other transportation plans.

More than 43 percent — $423,045.01 — came from contributors outside Pima County, with six contributions totaling $65,500 from companies in California, Florida, Texas and Alabama.

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