Wednesday, May 24, 2006


So far, Neo-Neocon, the 9-11 War Whore, has not made a substantive response to even one of my posts. Instead, she bitches and moans about the lack of civility on The Left:

I've noticed over and over that the tone of arguments on the left, on blogs and also in my personal experience out there in the world, often has this element of rage and name-calling. In fact, sometimes the rage is so ubiquitous that it just seems part of the package.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with Ryan more. Are you a few cards short of a full deck or something? If you're trying to represent me and others like me--I've been a Left-leaning, liberal Democrat apparently for more years than your IQ--don't be an idiot. How can you criticize someone for calling the Left uncivil and for "name-calling" and then in the next breath call them a "war whore?" You're an embarassment to what I stand for and free speech, in general. In the future, stick to the issues and don't get into petty name calling.

So far the best thing I can see about your blog is the traffic, or lack of it. (I just checked your site-meter.) Little wonder. Clean up your act, stop being so off-putting, and maybe some day somebody might be interested in reading what you have to say. Until then, count me out...

Steve J. said...


1) The lying bitch is a war whore

2) Go fuck yourself, LIAR

Anonymous said...

My goodness, the civility just drips from that reply doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

I just checked back to see what thoughtful, cogent things you had to say in response to my post (Anon 12:06PM). After reading your response, I'm left with little to say other than with you as blogger, who needs trolls? Your mouth and brain--I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that there's some connection between the two--reflect trashy thinking, ridiculous ravings, and vicious venting apparently rooted in deep misplaced anger.

As a result, I'm sorry to say your blog comes across as little more than a reeking cess pool that you obviously embrace and have apparently shaped to fit your self-image and worldview. You could be doing a lot better.

(You needn't bother to respond to this comment. I have no intention of visiting your blog again. Why should I? As it is, it's of no value to me, and probably of little or no value to anyone else.)