Wednesday, May 03, 2006


From The Situation Room:

BLITZER: Today, in our "Strategy Session," a new poll shows Republican voters aren't as fired up as Democrats are when they go to the polls in November. At least, that's what is coming out right now. What can the GOP do to ignite their base? Can Democrats come up with enough support to gain control of either chamber of Congress? Joining us now, our CNN political analysts Democratic strategist Donna Brazile and Bill Bennett, the host of the radio program "Morning in America." Here's some aspects of this "USA Today"/Gallup poll. Generic congressional matchup, who do you prefer, Democrats or Republicans? Fifty-four percent of those who responded said Democrats. Thirty-nine percent said Republicans. But, Bill, perhaps more worrisome to you and your fellow Republicans is this question: Are you more enthusiastic about voting than usual? In January, 48 percent, the Democrats said yes. It's now up to 50 percent. But among Republicans, in January, 47 percent said yes, almost the same then as the Democrat . But it's gone down now to 38 percent...


BLITZER: ... which suggests that that base is not necessarily as enthusiastic as it should be going into these midterm elections.

BENNETT: Well, as the song said, it's a long way from May to November, or something like that. There's time for excitement. Politics shouldn't necessarily have to be about excitement. It has to do with making choices. And on these generic polls, the problem with generic polls is, of course, people vote in a specific place for a specific person. And I -- by the way, I don't think you will see a change in the Congress. But...

BLITZER: In either House or Senate?

BENNETT: No. I don't. But I -- that's right.

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