Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Last Sunday, Drudge noted that bad weather seems to have increased in severity and there would be nothing remarkable about that except for the facts that increasing severity is one of the predicted consequences of global warming and Drudge routinely attacks the notion of global warming. Perhaps this is an early indication of a shift on the Right about the issue?

Last night, Pres. Fredo made this statement:

First, the United States must secure its borders. This is a basic responsibility of a sovereign nation. It is also an urgent requirement of our national security.

It's more than 4 years after 9-11 and NOW Fredo decides it's urgent? This should be another stick for the Dems to use to beat Fredo senseless on the issue of national security but they don't seem interested in attacking his perceived strengths.

Steve Chapman, a conservative columnist for the Chicago Tribune who's run once a week by my local paper, has this to say about the NSA's national vacuuming of call records:

Even if you don't care about the privacy of your phone records, you might care that we have a president who feels no obligation to obey the law. You might care that if the government was secretly doing this, it may be doing other things that are even more worrisome. And you might care that one day, we may find that the free society we claim to cherish has become a police state.

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