Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Fats comes on Slots' show and they start off by slobbering all over each other then discuss the drug settlement. According to Rush, the operative words are "not guilty" instead of "piss test." And like the sunrise, Fats blames the liberal media for how they covered the story. Shocking admission by Fats: "I haven't been able to talk about it for fear of incriminating myself."

Fats on the immigration protest: a bunch of leftist anti-Americans and Marxists.
Fats on Dems: they are trying to undermine everything America stands for.
Fats on national security leaks to the press: The press is rooting against America. Edward R. Murrow would be shocked about how the press behaves today.
Fats: Scooter Libby was trying to keep America well-informed. There is a shadow government in the CIA and State and other places trying to bring down the Bush regime. Jaime Gorelick!!!
Fats: Wilson & Plame concocted the Niger trip to sabotage the Iraq War. In fact, all the Clinton appointees (Gorelick, Clarke, Berger and others) are trying to sabotage Bush while protecting Clinton's legacy.
Fats & Slots: The liberals can't be trusted to fight the war on terror.

In addition to being liars and whore, these two are afraid and paranoid and they hope to instill their fears and paranoia into their listeners.

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