Thursday, May 11, 2006


Shammity read from the USA Today article about the NSA vacuum cleaning operation on American domestic phone calls but failed to mention the part about the NSA being unwilling to go to the FISA court or even the Attorney General. He then tries to minimize this new affront to the Constitution by mentioning the CBS report on Echelon. ThinkProgress and MediaMatters have shown that this talking point is without merit.

Shammity then goes on to slam the Democrats and refers to a Raw Story article which he claims reports that the Dems want to give protection to Al-Qaida. Here's what the Dems really said:

"We need to know if terrorists are plotting to attack us," said Harman, Ranking Member on the House Intelligence Committee. "But we must never retreat from the principle that every intercept requires a warrant based on probable cause. Since some in the Administration claim the FISA process is antiquated, this bill puts the burden on them to request additional resources."

Congressman Conyers added, "This legislation could not be more timely. Today's USA Today article made clear that the Administration's eavesdropping is larger than anyone imagined and sweeps in the activities of millions of innocent Americans. If this Congress does not rein in the President and his Administration now, there is no telling how far it will go."

Shammity then goes on to deride the Dems efforts to regain one or both Houses of Congress and claims that the GOP can prevail if it concentrates on its core issues, like tax cuts for the rich!

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