Sunday, May 14, 2006


The recent court filing by Patrick Fitzgerald that shows Cheney was personally interested in Valerie Plame has brought out the AOL BushBots. Their most popular defense was "Plame was not covert" despite massive evidence to the contrary.

This is typical:

#1 - 5/14/06 11:24 AM (Msg Id: 562324:2103)
July 15, 2005
Plame NOT Covert Agent
The Associated Press is reporting that Joe Wilson himself, in an interview on CNN, confirms that Valery Plame was not a covert agent at the time of Robert Novak's article mentioning her name.

And then there's the standard distraction ploy: Bring up someone else.

#1 - 5/14/06 09:39 AM (Msg Id: 562324:1559)
If you want to investigate corruption, investigate the killing by Kennedy when the brave soul ran off and left his mistress to drown instead of calling the authorities.

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