Monday, June 05, 2006


Time and time again, some Dem will make a stupid verbal blunder and the GOP Noise Machine will run it into the ground. The latest Dem idiot is Francine Busby who is (was?) in a tight race to complete the remainder of "Duke" Cunningham's term in the House. A win here by Busby could help create a script about this being a time for a change that the MSM could run with from now until November but NOOOOOOO, idiot Francine screws up just before the election. Even if she overcomes this, there is simply no excuse for this type of blunder.

The AP gives us the ugly details and I've highlighted the idiot remark:

CARLSBAD, Calif. (June 5) - Republicans seized on Democrat Francine Busby's comments that sounded like encouragement for illegal immigrants to help her campaign as the GOP sought an edge in the final hours of a surprisingly close House race.

Immigration looms large in the runoff election Tuesday in the San Diego-area district some 30 miles from the U.S.-Mexico border. Busby's remarks, and her subsequent explanation that she misspoke, has drawn much of the attention in the race's last days.

Speaking to a largely Hispanic audience last Thursday, Busby faced a Spanish-speaking questioner who said he wanted to help her campaign but lacked voting papers. The question was translated into English and she responded, "Everybody can help. You can all help. You don't need papers for voting, you don't need to be a registered voter to help."

Busby's GOP rival, Brian Bilbray, criticized the Democrat, saying she was encouraging possible illegal immigrants to volunteer for the campaign. On Monday, the GOP launched a radio ad that said, "That's right. Francine Busby says you don't need papers to vote."

Busby said repeatedly throughout the weekend that she misspoke. She said she had been trying to encourage underage high school students or people who weren't registered - but are in the country legally - to participate in the political process.

"I had a slip of the tongue and I corrected it immediately," Busby said. "I want to make it unequivocal that I do not support anyone who is here illegally voting or working on campaigns."

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