Saturday, June 10, 2006


And you thought Falafel O'Reilly was the only one who had his transcripts cleaned? From my local paper:

Depending on your take, President Bush's folksy dialect can either be described as charming — or downright annoying. But for whatever reason, whoever's in charge of putting together transcripts of his speeches prefers a more grammatical version of Bush's words, even if that's not how he really talks.

In Yuma last month, the president passionately defended his immigration plan, arguing that allowing illegal immigrants a path to legalization "ain't amnesty." Classic Bush style, right? But on the White House Web site, the phrase mysteriously became the more proper, "That's not amnesty." Sounds nice, but it just doesn't have the flair of a real Dubya quote.

The same kind of wordplay happened again Thursday. At the White House's National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast, The Associated Press reported that Bush said that the United States couldn't force millions of illegal immigrants to return home because it "'ain't gonna work." The "ain't" even made it into a headline on

Either the reporter misquoted, or the president's grammar police were up to no good again: "Ain't gonna work" became "isn't going to work" in the official transcript —

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