Thursday, June 08, 2006


Jay Severin

defends Coulter: she's "beautful, bright, funny"

JS buys into Coulter's claim that we couldn't attack Cindy Sheehan because she lost her son! Yup, there were no attacks on Cindy, aside from the smear about her not being Casey's mother or the smear about how she abandoned Casey. Then there's Hitchens.

Brian & The Judge

They try to counter Pelosi's "culture of corruption" charge by pointing to Rep. Jefferson and repeating the BS about Sen. Reid. Jefferson IS corrupt but he's not part of the massive K Street Project.

Slots Bennett

Gleeful about Zarqawi's death, he mentioned that his 17-year old son had Marine posters in his room. I wonder if he will enlist?

Slots used the "terrible swift sword" line to describe the kill but didn't mention that Pres. Fredo had the chance to kill Zarqawi several times in 2002.


Fredo's favorite Dem senator (Holy Joe) was on and praised Fredo for reaching outside his circle of advisors for advice. Joe seems to have meant the Iraqi government.

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