Tuesday, June 13, 2006


On Sunday, Drudge had Coulter on and I'm wondering if that was part of Ann doing damage control for her remarks about the 9-11 widows. I've been listening to Drudge since Sept. '99 and I don't recall him having a guest on before.

On Monday, War Whore Ingraham dishonestly tried to link the Fred Phelps "we hate gays" group to liberal anti-war protesters. Prager the Pious also had Coulter on his show and he zeroed in on the abortion issue. She was also on Hannity's show and these appearances so late after her book came out (6/6/06) seem to be damage control instead of normal book promotion.


Anonymous said...

Apparently you didn't listen to Coulter on Hannity. She didn't apologize for any comments, she actually stood up for them.

Steve J. said...

I didn't say she apologized. By "damage control" I mean she's appealing directly to the wingnut base.