Wednesday, June 14, 2006


(From Monday)

Coulter was also on the Pious Prager show and claimed that the religious right wasn't against science! She didn't mention the Young Earth Creationists or the Intelligent Design crowd.

Fats derided Pelosi for claiming that playing "whack-a-mole" in Anbar province isn't working. He read from an AP report that supposedly claimed 40% of the Al-Qaida recruits have been killed.

(From Wednesday)

Slots fully supports "man-on-dog" Santorum and thinks that the new Pew international poll that shows America's fall from grace with much of the world doesn't matter, just like U.S. national polls don't matter if they show Pres. Fredo doing poorly.

He mentioned that Democrats are divided about the war (Hillary vs. Kerry) but failed to note that several of the Republicans he just said are part of the future, such as Giuliani and Schwarzenegger, are pro-choice and that's a huge no-no for the GOP fundies.

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