Tuesday, September 26, 2006


This is what Pres. Fredo had to say about the recently leaked NIE that reports the invasion of Iraq has increased the terror threat to America:

You know, I think it's a bad habit for our government to declassify every ime there's a leak, because it means that it's going to be hard to get good product out of our analysts.

By "good product" Fredo means "what agrees with my foregone conclusions."

Karzai has a better understanding of the source of the problem than Fredo ever will:
But Afghanistan also knows where the problem is -- in extremism, in madrassas preaching hatred, preachers in the name of madrassas preaching hatred. That's what we should do together to stop.

Fredo can't even admit the well-known fact that his regime ignored the terror threat before 9/11:
Q Thank you, Mr. President. Former President Clinton says that your administration had no meetings on bin Laden for nine months after he left office. Is that factually accurate, and how do you respond to his charges?

PRESIDENT BUSH: You know, look, Caren, I've watched all this finger-pointing and naming of names, and all that stuff. Our objective is to secure the country. And we've had investigations, we had the 9/11 Commission, we had the look back this, we've had the look back that. The American people need to know that we spend all our time doing everything that we can to protect them. So I'm not going to comment on other comments.

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