Thursday, November 09, 2006


No, not Afghanistan but his WOT. From the London Times:

More Britons are turning to terror, says MI5 director
By Michael Evans
November 10, 2006

In a stark public warning, Dame Eliza ManninghamBuller, the Director-General of MI5, revealed that the Security Service’s caseload had risen by 80 per cent since January and now involved about 30 “Priority 1” plots.

It has identified 200 terrorist networks involving at least 1,600 people, many under the direct control of al-Qaeda leaders in Pakistan.

“More and more people are moving from passive sympathy towards active terrorism through being radicalised or indoctrinated by friends, families, in organised training events here and overseas,” she said. “Young teenagers are being groomed to be suicide bombers.”

"[The] threat is serious, is growing and will, I believe, be with us for a generation."

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