Sunday, December 24, 2006


On the 12/17 edition of MTP, Russert showed clips of Laura Bush and SECDEF Rumsfeld recently complaining that the press coverage of Iraq made the war seem to be going worse than it was. David Brooks, notorious half-wit conservative for the NY Times, finally snaps:

MR. BROOKS: Get off of it. I mean, we’ve got a hero in our newspaper, John Burns. Another hero, Dexter Filkins, there’s a whole series of heroes over there. They’re not biased about this. They want the best for the Iraqi people, they want democracy. Listen to what they’re reporting, they’re reporting chaos. You have 100--I don’t know what it is, 1.6 million people leaving Iraq. You’ve got 9,000 Iraqis every week who are moving to their Shia homeland, or to their Sunni homeland. This is a country—it’s not civil war, it’s just disintegration. So the idea that this is some media concoction, you—I said that a year ago, two years ago. But at some point, face reality.

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