Friday, December 22, 2006


"Dirty Fucking Hippies" (© Atrios) I know Fats Limbaugh and Slots Bennett will find this VERY annoying:

UA study positive on psychedelic substance
Helped nine with obsessive behavior
By Eric Swedlund
arizona daily star
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 12.20.2006

n a small-scale preliminary study, a UA psychiatrist has found that psilocybin, the active agent in psychedelic mushrooms, is effective in relieving the symptoms of people who suffer from severe obsessive compulsive disorder.

Dr. Francisco A. Moreno and his colleagues conducted the first FDA-approved clinical study of psilocybin since it was outlawed in 1970. The results are published in the latest edition of the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. each of the nine patients in the study, psilocybin completely removed OCD symptoms for a period of generally four to 24 hours, with some patients remaining symptom-free for days.

"What we saw acutely was a drastic decrease in symptoms," he said. "The obsessions would really dissolve or reduce drastically for a period of time." People would report that it had been years since they had felt so good, he said.

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