Friday, December 08, 2006


I heard Slots make his ad hominem attack and I heard Fats Limbaugh make his snide remark but I didn't hear of the other complaints. This is from the LA Times:

Return fire from the right
The idea of talks with Iran and Syria riles many conservatives.
Some say the focus was on an exit, not a victory.
By Greg Miller, Times Staff Writer
December 8, 2006

Right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh called it "The Iraq Surrender Group."

The conservative New York Post tabloid doctored a front-page photo to depict the co-chairmen of the Iraq Study Group in primate fur, under the headline "Surrender Monkeys," inspired by a frequently quoted line from "The Simpsons."

And conservative commentator William J. Bennett vented in volcanic fashion. "In all my time in Washington I've never seen such smugness, arrogance, or such insufferable moral superiority," Bennett wrote on the National Review website. "Self-congratulatory. Full of itself. Horrible."

...influential conservative editorialist William Kristol, accused the study group of focusing its nine months of study on how to extricate the United States from Iraq, rather than how to win."They do not engage that debate, and I think that's deeply irresponsible," Kristol said. "If they think the war cannot now be won, they need to explain that."

"It was about as interesting as a small-town phone book," said Danielle Pletka, a vice president of the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative Washington think tank, on Fox News. "I was amazed by the report. There were very few concrete suggestions. There were very few deep ideas. And there were very, very few plans for victory."

Slots needs to look hard into the nearest mirror.

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