Sunday, December 10, 2006


thereisnospoon at DKos has a great summary of wingnut diatribes against the ISG. This will give you the flavor of his post:

VirginiaDem posted a highly recommended diary today demanding an apology from the various nitwits and right-wing gasbags who called us traitors, terrorist sympathizers and surrender monkeys.

Many people jumped in on the threads, harping on how failure to apologize to Democrats in light of the
ISG report somehow constitutes hypocrisy on the part of the Psycho Right Wing.

Unfortunately, the demands for such an apology and the underlying assumptions of hypocrisy greatly underestimate the overall Fuckwaditude of the Psycho Right. Follow below the fold for a trip to Psycholand--where no one is immune from the accusation of treason.

Once again, Saint-Just* comes in handy when discussing the wingnuts:

"A patriot is he who supports the Republic in general; whoever opposes it in detail is a traitor."

*Camus, The Rebel, 1991, Vintage hardcover, page 126

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