Friday, January 19, 2007


War Whore presented a 2-for-one story this AM. She read from an article in Rev. Moon's INSIGHT magazine about Obama and Hilary. According to the article, Hilary has people doing opposition research on Obama and they have raised questions about his Muslim background. WW got to attack Hilary and Obama in the same story! [UPDATE: Atrios also mentions this fine example of wingnuttery]

WW later went on to tell a female Muslim caller that moderate Muslims need to drag Islam into (her word) "modernity." Perhaps she should tell her buddies Dobson, Falwell & Robertson to do the same with their version of Christianity.

Rusty Humphries had Dr. Lyle Rossiter on and although I did not hear the interview, I found an article by Rossiter on ClownHall. Rossiter merely repeats the tiresome argument that liberals are totalitarians. Humphries pushes Rossiter's view that liberals suffer from a psychopathology.

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