Tuesday, February 27, 2007


(From Lexis-Nexis)

After bin Laden, We Must Target Saddam
By Joe Lieberman.
Wall Street Journal.
(Eastern edition).
New York, N.Y.:
Oct 29, 2001.
pg. A.22

... unflinching in our determination to remove a uniquely implacable enemy and terrorist, Saddam Hussein, from power before he strikes at us with weapons of mass destruction.

We should focus on Iraq after we have dealt with bin Laden. We must, because Saddam has a special hatred for America and the capacity to do something terrible about it.

Did Saddam have a direct hand in the attacks on America that began on Sept. 11? The evidence at our disposal is circumstantial but suggestive. We do know that he has not just the motive and malevolence, but the means. And we also know that Iraqi intelligence officials have met at critical times with members of the al Qaeda network.

He sounds just like Cheney or Wolfowitz.

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