Saturday, February 24, 2007


(Via ThinkProgress)

Hannity the Whore almost exploded about the CBS story on the U.S. soldiers who oppose the Iraq War.

This is what Lexis-Nexis had as the transcript of the exchange between Whore and Colmes:

COLMES: Finally tonight, we will give you a sneak peek of what investigative peace "Hannity's America" is working on for the next show on March 4.

Sean, I understand you're going to have some reaction to a piece that "60 Minutes" is planning to run this Sunday night.

HANNITY: Alan, not even a piece worth watching, to be honest with you. This Sunday "60 Minutes" will run a hit piece. About 1,000 or so active duty servicemen and women sign what's being called a redress saying that they think the U.S. troops should leave Iraq.

Now, since we want to give both sides of the story, what we'd like to hear from active duty reserve and National Guard members, those that think that we need to stay in Iraq until victory is achieved.

Now, if you're one of these great Americans serving our country and think that we need to stay until the job is done, well, you can e-mail us at

We're going to have the full explosive report. It's one week from this Sunday in our next edition of "Hannity's America".

By the way, we should note this is the same network, Alan, that you know, forged documents 40 some odd days before an election. And this is a hit piece. It is designed to, as far as I'm concerned, work with the Democrats in congress, embolden the enemy, undermine the troops.

COLMES: Well, I haven't seen the piece yet. I don't necessarily believe that because you object to the war, you're undermining the troops.

HANNITY: They never told the good story. They've never taken the time to tell the other side of that story, about all the good things that have happened because they have a bias.

COLMES: We'll be following it.

HANNITY: We don't.


February 23, 2007 Friday

Hannity's delusions are obvious here and I'm glad that he is more openly showing his craziness. I'll be glad to help push him over the edge by sending excerpts of William F. Buckley's National Review column from last February to

1 comment:

Storey Clayton said...

As a blogger against the Iraq War, we thought you would be interested in our new project, One Million Blogs for Peace.

The effort is aimed at signing up 1,000,000 blogs in opposition to the Iraq War during the war's fifth year.

You can see all the details at our website:

Storey Clayton