Saturday, February 10, 2007


I dimly recalled that Libby was part of the White House Iraq Group, the people who tried to literally SELL us the Iraq War. Gordon Prather writes the post I wanted to about this group:

"Jail Bird" Miller has since admitted that her reports – all of which turned out to be wrong – were based upon "intelligence" provided to her by Ahmed Chalabi. But Miller claims she got confirmation of that "intelligence" from various high-level Bush-Cheney administration officials.

Various high-level Bush-Cheney administration officials?

Like members of the White House Iraq Group, founded in September 2002 to promote "support" for war against Iraq amongst the general populace?


According to Walter Pincus, the WHIG met weekly in the Situation Room.

"Among the regular participants were Karl Rove, the president's senior political adviser; communications strategists Karen Hughes, Mary Matalin and James R. Wilkinson; legislative liaison Nicholas E. Calio; and policy advisers led by Rice and her deputy, Stephen J. Hadley, along with I. Lewis Libby, Cheney's chief of staff."

Lewis Libby?

Cheney’s chief of staff?


Swopa at Firedoglake let's us know that we can find the PDF transcripts AND audio files of Libby's Grand Jury testimony on the Special Counsel's website. Firedoglake has a great archive of posts about the Liar's trial here.

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