Saturday, February 03, 2007


The wingnuts keep touting the great economy despite much evidence to the contrary. Last night, Rusty Humphries claimed that we are in one of the greatest boom times in our history. In reality, the savings rate is as low as its been since the Great Depression and MetLife recently completed a study that shows the American Dream is getting ever harder to attain:

A new study commissioned by MetLife -- The MetLife Study of the American Dream -- reveals that 60% of working Americans feel they carry more financial burdens than their parents did, and the overwhelming majority feel this burden will continue to grow for future generations.

"While the shifting burdens make chasing the American dream more challenging, as a society we're making it harder with ratcheting expectations fueling a constantly rising bar," Beth Hirschhorn, senior vice president and chief marketing officer, MetLife. "We know that the American dream is practically out of reach for most Americans and that it's running on the fumes of optimism. So, in order to reconcile or rationalize how hard it is to achieve the dream with Americans' desire to hold on to this American ideal, individuals have redefined the dream. It's no longer a destination, it's a never-ending pursuit."

Humphries also repeated a popular wingnut scurrilous lie about Democrats - that they would rather see the jihadists win than have George Bush win in Iraq. In last nights variant of this smear, he claimed that the Democrats would rather have parts of America come under jihadist rule than have Bush's new plan in Iraq work out.

Sadly, one of his callers repeated the smear that Obama is a Muslim and Rusty said nothing to disabuse him of that notion.

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