Saturday, March 31, 2007


Digby (AKA Hullaballo) finds this tidbit about Regents, a theofascist "university":

150 graduates serving in the Bush Administration

and from the same page we learn this:

The Princeton Review ranked Regent Law second in the nation for Best Quality of Life out of 170 law schools; second for likelihood of students to receive a Heritage Foundation Scholarship

5th Amendment Goodling got her law degree from Regents and Digby also found out that the Bush regime hired many incompetent fundies to serve in the Coalition Provisional Authority:

The equivalent director of personnel for the Iraq Coalition Provisional Authority (headed by Catholic convert Paul Bremer) was the White House liaison to the Pentagon, James O'Beirne, a conservative Catholic married to National Review editor Kate O'Beirne. Those recruited to serve in the CPA were asked if they had voted for Bush, and what their views were on Roe v. Wade and capital punishment.[39]

O'Beirne trolled the conservative foundations, Republican congressional staffs, and evangelical schools for his loyalist appointees. Relatives of prominent Republicans were appointed, and staffers from offices like that of Senator Rick Santorum. Right moral attitude was more important than competence.[40]

That was proved when the first director of Iraqi health services, Dr. Frederick Burkle, was dismissed. Burkle, a distinguished physician, was a specialist in disaster relief, with experience in Kosovo, Somalia, and Kurdish Iraq. His replacement, James Haveman, had run a Christian adoption agency meant to discourage women from having abortions. Haveman placed an early emphasis on preventing Iraqis from smoking, while ruined hospitals went untended.

[39] Rajiv Chandrasekaran, Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq's Green Zone (Knopf, 2006), p. 91.

[40] Chandrasekaran, Imperial Life in the Emerald City, p.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Regent University plays hide and seek with 150 Bush admin alumni -- Now they're here... Now they're not!

As late as 6 April, 2007, Regent University's “facts” web page proudly boasted that they had:

“150 graduates serving in the Bush Administration.”

Between April 6 and April 12, the University removed that statement from their web site and, for at least several days, (April 12-16) there was no statement listed at all about any Regent U. graduates working for the Bush administration.

Sometime on April 16, a new statement appeared on their "facts" page:

"150 students have served in the Bush administration."

Apparently, not all of the 150 are still "serving" Bush, but does this statement also mean that some of those 150 "students" never actually graduated from the U?