Monday, March 05, 2007


This isn't surprising:

Rush Weighs In on the Coulter Kerfuffle
March 5, 2007

Now, the Ann Coulter remarks. I've been fascinated looking at the response. When I heard that this had happened, the first thing I did is I went to some blogs. They had a blog row at CPAC. Ann made these comments about the Breck Girl on Friday afternoon. Mitt Romney had introduced her. Mitt Romney is a Republican presidential candidate, as we all know.

I'm looking at the blogs, and the bloggers are uniform in their condemnation of Ann Coulter. “This is disturbing and it's distracting to the conservative movement. This is not what we're about. It unnecessarily makes all conservatives a target for continuing attacks by the left,” and so forth and so on. Then some time passed and the bloggers began getting comments from their readers. After a couple of hours, I checked back, and the bloggers were mostly writing about how they were being excoriated by their readers for criticizing Ann Coulter; that finally somebody like Coulter had the guts to stand up and say what things are for, because the left gets away with this and does it all the time. The bloggers admitted that they were taking it on the chin from their readers in the comments of all their blogs from people who were very supportive of Coulter. I went to my own e-mail, and the vast majority of e-mail I got was, "Rah-rah," and, "Right on!" I'll tell you what I think this means.

I think what people misunderstand about the rank-and-file in the Republican Party is that they're sick and tired of taking it on the chin day in and day out. The mainstream press can assault every one of our icons. The mainstream press, the Drive-By Media and the left, can assault every one of our presidential candidates. They can call George Bush "Hitler."

So when somebody like Ann Coulter comes along and says what she said, they simply react to it. “All right! Somebody's fighting back! Somebody is saying something in return to these people and pointing out their hypocrisy.” I think that's why the support that is there for Ann Coulter is there, because she represents something that the leadership of the party doesn't provide them. The leadership of the movement these days doesn't provide them an outlet for their own anger.

you have a number of people who clearly loved it and thought it was fabulous and want to hear more like it -- and not so much more like it. They just want to hear somebody fighting back and somebody doing something to point out the absolute ridiculousness of the people on the left, and Ann Coulter did it.


DancesWithFascists said...

What you observed in feedback of people approving of Coulter's remarks is a lot of simpletons who confuse name-calling with real argument. Coulter has nothing substantive to say (a common condition on the right-wing) and the best she can muster is name-calling. Sad but typical, check out some of the Freeper Creeper losers at and you'll see they rarely can come up with a cogent argument, all they know how to do is name-call as if they were children. Which they are mentally or they wouldn't wallow in their politics of hate like they do.

Steve J. said...


Yeah, I've been to Freeperville and read some of the insane comments. I suspect that most, if not all, of the Freepers have an authoritarian personality. They really aren't comfortable with a liberal democracy.