Friday, March 02, 2007


I have long believed that Rice lied when she told the 9-11 Commission that no one could've imagined the terrorists using planes as missiles. I found this AP report through Lexis-Nexis and it seems that she admits that she was wrong:

The Associated Press State & Local Wire
April 8, 2004, Thursday, BC cycle

SECTION: State and Regional
LENGTH: 1371 words
HEADLINE: Rice says U.S. 'not on a war footing' before Sept. 11
BYLINE: By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent

Rice, recalling a rash of vague warnings over the summer, said, "One of the problems here was there really was nothing that looked like it was going to happen inside the United States." She said the threats pointed overseas to possible targets in the Persian Gulf, Israel or perhaps the summit in Genoa, Italy, of leaders of industrialized nations.

Under questioning, Rice acknowledged that she had spoken too broadly once when she said that no one had ever envisioned terrorists using planes and crashing them into buildings. She said that aides came to her within days and said there had been reports or memos about that possibility but that she hadn't seen them.

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