Saturday, March 17, 2007


Rusty Humphries is upset with Larry King, apparently because Larry isn't attacking enough Democrats. I decided to look at a few of King's recent shows to see what the fuss was. I didn't find Larry doing criticizing of the GOP but some of his guests did:

M. ROMNEY: Of course. There's no question but that we did an exemplary job in knocking down Saddam Hussein's government. But then after that, we have not done a fabulous job. We were under prepared and under planned. We weren't properly staffed. We weren't properly managed. And as a result, the situation we find ourselves in is, to some degree, part of our own making. (3/15/07)

MAHER: And I did say that I had no doubt that if Bush and Cheney were out of office, by whatever means, more people would live. And I stand by that. (3/12/07)

This is all I found from King himself that could be called critical:

KING: We're back with former Ambassador Joseph Wilson.

White House Press Secretary Dana Perino offered a carefully calibrated reaction to the verdict.

Let's listen and then we'll get your reaction.


DANA PERINO, WHITE HOUSE DEPUTY PRESS SECRETARY: He was on the Oval Office. He saw the verdict read on television. Chief of Staff Josh Bolten and Counselor Dan Bartlett were with him. He said that he respected the jury's verdict, that he was saddened for "Scooter" Libby and his family.

(END VIDEO CLIP) (3/6/07)

Humphries also claimed that if we pull out of Iraq, that will set off WW III. He went to say that he was talking about Armageddon as Revelations describes it. This delusional sentiment is similar in spirit to Cheney's pre-election claim that Western Civilization was at stake.

The Humpster was also upset with Donald Trump calling Bush the worst president in history.

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