Monday, March 26, 2007


Yes, Drudge is at it again, passing on agit-prop for the wingnuts. The Drudge version: liberals burned our troops in effigy at a Portland, Oregon anti-war rally. The TRUTH: they were anarchists:

Photos of soldier burned in effigy stir outrage
05:41 PM PDT on Saturday, March 24, 2007


Some photos that surfaced on the Internet revealed a darker side of the recent Iraq war protests in Portland.

Photos taken by Rachael Palinkas, a Linfield College student, showed masked protesters burning an effigy of what appears to be a U.S. soldier in the Park Blocks.

The photos showed protesters gathered around a figure wearing U.S. military fatigues and a crude skull for a head as it and an American flag were lit on fire.

black-clad, masked protesters carried a black banner that read, "No Gods, no country, no masters," and a circle A anarchy symbol.

Palinkas went to the protest march Sunday because some friends were going and she thought it a good opportunity to snap photos.

"I was shocked! Cause I haven’t seen anything like that before, you know, so I was kind of scared and confused like, ‘what's going on who are these people?’ I'd never seen anyone burn the American flag or any act of burning an effigy."

She published the pics Sunday on her Facebook account. The Drudge Report grabbed it Wednesday and it took off nationally.

It also made Little Green Footballs.

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