Thursday, March 08, 2007


This morning, Laura Ingraham read from an op-ed by Phyllis Chesler in the London Times, "How my eyes were opened to the barbarity of Islam." In it, Chesler complains that

"Nevertheless, Western intellectual-ideologues, including feminists, have demonised me as a reactionary and racist “Islamophobe” for arguing that Islam, not Israel, is the largest practitioner of both sexual and religious apartheid in the world and that if Westerners do not stand up to this apartheid, morally, economically and militarily, we will not only have the blood of innocents on our hands; we will also be overrun by Sharia in the West. I have been heckled, menaced, never-invited, or disinvited for such heretical ideas — and for denouncing the epidemic of Muslim-on-Muslim violence for which tiny Israel is routinely, unbelievably scapegoated. "

War Whore turned this into an attack on Western liberals because they presumably don't see radical Islam as a threat. She went Horowitz and mentioned "Marxist professors" as being one source of this perilous ignorance. Pretty much the same odld shit from Laura but this time I decided to look into what the feminists have to say about fundamentalist Islam. This is from the NOW Foundation's 2004 Annual Report:

Advisory board member and former NOW President Eleanor Smeal reported to the Foundation board that Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) has introduced the "Afghan Women Security and Freedom Act 2004" (S. 2032). This act calls for direct funding for the Ministry of Women's Affairs, the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission, and Afghan women's organizations, and calls for the expansion of international peacekeeping forces to intervene to stop human rights and women's rights violations.

On January 4, a new Afghan constitution was adopted that contains equal rights for women and guarantees a certain number of seats in both houses of the legislature for women. However, the constitution does state that "in Afghanistan, no law can be contrary to the beliefs and provisions of the sacred religion of Islam" – a provision likely to cause future problems for women.

While the interim constitution of Iraq also provides equal rights for women and guarantees a percentage of representation in the bicameral legislature, the US-backed Iraqi Governing Council has placed family law under the jurisdiction of Islamic (sharia) law. This would be a major setback for women, who had more rights under Hussein. Women in Iraq are demonstrating in the streets against the family law provision.

So, we have Smeal, Boxer and NOW all speaking out against Sharia Law. What else does War Whore expect?

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