Wednesday, April 18, 2007

2007, SO FAR

Deadliest days in Iraq
The Associated Press
Published: April 18, 2007

_April 18, 2007: Officials report 233 people killed or found dead across Iraq. At least 183 of those are killed when four large bombs explode in mainly Shiite locations of Baghdad.

_March 29, 2007: At least 179 people are killed, including 104 by multiple suicide bombers in the town of Khalis and in predominantly Shiite markets in Baghdad.

_March 27, 2007: At least 198 people are reported killed or found dead. Truck bombs hit markets in the northwestern city of Tal Afar, killing at least 152 people, while another 46 Iraqis are also killed or found dead.

_March 6, 2007: Officials report 194 deaths, including 120 by two suicide bombers in a crowd of Shiite pilgrims in Hillah, south of Baghdad.

_Feb. 3, 2007: Officials report 167 deaths, including 137 by a suicide truck bomber at a market in a predominantly Shiite area of Baghdad.

_Feb. 1, 2007: Officials say 138 people are killed nationwide, including 73 killed by two suicide bombers in a market in Hillah.

_Jan. 22, 2007: Officials report 138 deaths, including 88 by a parked car bomb followed immediately by a suicide car bomber in a predominantly Shiite area in Baghdad.

_Jan. 16, 2007: Violence throughout Iraq kills 142 people, including 70 in bombings at a university in Baghdad.

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