Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I have written before that the Old Testament, specifically Exodus 21:22, does not consider abortion to be murder. Prof. John M. Riddle's book, Eve's Herbs: A History of Contraception and Abortion in the West, makes the claim that this attitude was common in the Middle East.

From pages 70-71, hardover edition:

From all indications, the ancient peoples of West Asia and Egypt believed that life began at birth. There is not even a hint that the ancients regarded a fetus as a human persona. Quite the contrary. In fact, the property rights of a fetus were recognized and ascribed to the father of the family. A Sumerian law (ca. 1800 B.C.E.) reads:

If (a man accidentally) buffeted a woman of free-citizen class and caused her to have a miscarriage, he must pay ten shekels of silver. If (a man deliberately) struck a woman of free-citizen class and caused her to have a miscarriage, he must pay one-third mina of silver.23
One-third mina is twice the value of ten shekels, thus a deliberate act is a doubly egregious offense. Hammurabi's laws (1728–1686 B.C.E.) permitted the same recovery (ten shekels) for one causing a miscarriage, and five shekels for a commoner's daughter. If a slave's owner caused a slave to lose a fetus through a miscarriage, he was fined two shekels.24


Sumerian, Lipit-istar, and Middle Assyrian laws maintain the same principles as those in the Hammurabic code (except that the penalty in the Middle Assyrian law is death for taking the life of a fetus by delivering a blow to the mother).29 The latter is the only law that could be said to protect the fetus itself, but that interpretation would be in-consistent with the practice of exposure or infanticide. A deformed, abnormal, or even unwanted child could be killed without legal sanction. The law's purpose may have been to protect a community from being robbed of a healthy child.30More likely, the laws protected a male's right to have a child he sired.


23 Ancient Near Eastern Texts Related to the Old Testament, 2d ed., ed. J. B. Pritchard (Princeton, 1955), p. 525 (hereinafter cited as ANET).

24 Hammurabi, Laws, 209-214 (Pritchard ed., p. 162).

28For a review of the ancient West Asian laws, see Stephen D. Ricks, "Abortion," in Anchor Bible Dictionary 1 (1992): 31-32.

29 Ibid., p. 31;ANET, pp. 525 (Sumerian Laws 4.1 2), 181, 184-185 (Middle Assyrian 50).

30 Ricks, "Abortion," p. 31; Emiel Eyben, "Family Planning in Graeco-Roman Antiquity," Ancient Society 11 (1980-1981): 81 if.

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