Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I found this in the comment section of my post about my e-mail to LTC Aberle:

Sir, Ms. Mitchell misspoke about the caucus, we have contacted her and she agreed and will be making a correction to her statement.The video teleconference Gen Petraeus participated in was for a bi-partisan group of congressmen arranged by the Defense Department Legislative Affairs office. http://www.defenselink.mil/la/

The office cited (OCLL) is the Army equivalent of the DOD office.

LTC Joseph Yoswa

Deputy, Public Affairs Officer

Commanding General Multi-National Force - Iraq
# posted by LTC Joseph Yoswa : 3:50 AM

ThinkProgress found Mitchell's correction:

Andrea Mitchell (sort of) issues a correction. Salon.com’s Joan Walsh highlights a strange moment on tonight’s Hardball: “Without mentioning what had been discussed on Sunday, Matthews asked Mitchell, rather out of the blue, to talk about what Petraeus was telling senators. ‘It’s a good thing you bring that up,’ Mitchell replied, and she went on to say that Petraeus recently held a ‘closed circuit briefing’ for senators of both parties, ‘Democrats as well as Republicans.’

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