Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Doubts About Doomsday
The president is suggesting that a troop withdrawal
would turn Iraq into a battleground between regional powers.
Not so, says a senior administration official.

By Richard Wolffe and Holly Bailey
Updated: 3:50 p.m. MT April 25, 2007

One senior administration official with extensive knowledge of the region, who didn’t want to be identified discussing sensitive policy matters, tells NEWSWEEK that the chances of a regional war in Iraq are low in the event of a U.S. withdrawal. When asked if a regional war would break out, the official said: “Possibly, not probably. It’s more likely that other powers would support their favorite militias, as they’re doing already.”

The senior official said the genocidal bloodbath that Sen. John McCain outlined recently was also unlikely, pointing to the militias’ ability to secure their own neighborhoods after the attack on the Golden Mosque in Samarra in early 2006.

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