Tuesday, April 10, 2007


quaoar at Daily KOs has a good post about Allen Pizzey, the CBS reporter who joined Michael Ware in calling Sen. McCain a bullshitter:

CBS Iraq reporter says MSM gave Bush a free ride on war

quaoar found this statement from Pizzey that led me to the obvious post title:

A patrol of military police on their way to one of the about-to-be-established Joint Security Stations last week provides another case in point.


Once inside the walls of the fortified police station of their students and supposed allies, no American soldier took off a single piece of protective gear. American sentries backed up the Iraqis on the gate and roof. Humvee drivers stayed with their vehicles.

A young sergeant was assigned to accompany myself and cameraman Mark LaGanga wherever we went.
When I suggested that it was fine and the sergeant could take a break, he replied quietly; "No sir. I need to be with you. Wouldn't want to take the risk of you being kidnapped."

"In a police station?" I asked. "You're kidding."

"No sir," he replied, "I am not."

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