Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Atrios posted that CNN reported that "Iran is training Sunni extremist groups." I know Atrios is reliable but I had to look because Iran is predominantly Shiite and they don't have much affection for Sunnis. So..

Iraqi insurgents being trained in Iran, U.S. says
POSTED: 7:14 p.m. EDT, April 11, 2007

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Iraqi insurgents are being trained in Iran to assemble weapons and Iranian-made weapons are still turning up in Iraq, the U.S. military said Wednesday.

Coalition forces found a cache of Iranian rockets and grenade launchers in Baghdad on Tuesday, spokesman U.S. Maj. Gen. William Caldwell said Wednesday.

"The death and violence in Iraq are bad enough without this outside interference," Caldwell said. "Iran and all of Iraq's neighbors really need to respect Iraq's sovereignty and allow the people of this country the time and the space to choose their own future."

In an unusual development, he said coalition forces have found evidence that Sunni insurgents in Iraq received help from intelligence services in the Shiite nation of Iran.

"We have in fact found some cases recently where Iranian intelligence services have provided to some Sunni insurgent groups, some support," Caldwell said. "We do continue to see the Iranian intelligence services being active here in Iraq in terms of both providing funding and providing weapons and munitions."

This leads me to conclude that Maj. Gen. Caldwell doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about.

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