Thursday, April 12, 2007


We were originally told that the Surge was the Iraqis' plan but now (4/11/07) Gen. Pace tells us otherwise:

Q Just a couple of more, please. I want to clarify. Can you speak to -- how much of this is driven by your commander in Iraq, who, in effect, inherited a plan -- General Petraeus -- before he arrived in office and now maybe he needs to rework it a little bit? Is this probably because of his confidence in the plan was -- has changed a bit? How can you characterize that?


GEN. PACE: And don't forget, as we were -- as General Petraeus -- as the plan was being put together, General Petraeus was in command of the command that had the doctrine for counterinsurgency. He was very much involved in that respect in assisting and providing recommendations to General Casey and the -- and General Odierno.

So he was very much involved with the development of the plan. As you recall, when he testified, he testified in support of the plan as it was being written at the time, so he had -- he went there inheriting the plan that he helped to write.

Petraeus himself said he didn't know much about the plan so I've got to wonder: Who's telling us the truth?

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