Saturday, April 07, 2007


Okay, that's an outrageous title but it does capture some of the truth. Her op-ed in the neo-con WaPo is entitled "Mother Of All Blunders" and it shamelessly uses the capture of the British sailors and marines to advance her conservative agenda. To wit, a woman's place is at home.

She has found "common cause with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad" because he "wondered why a once-great power such as Britain sends mothers of toddlers to fight its battles." Parker opposes almost any form of modern equality between the sexes and loathes feminism.

She closes her piece with an unintentional bit of irony: "Positioning women to become pawns of propaganda, meanwhile, is called aiding and abetting the enemy." Parker has done exactly that by endorsing Ahmadinejad's views of women.

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